Sunday, August 17, 2008

Nothing special..

Well not much to comment on this week. Same old, same old. Worked, looked after children, cleaned a house that looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a month of Sundays 5 mins later and tried to get some sleep. Spent the Saturday running around. Took Shannon for a haircut, then returned toys to toy library and then took Shannon to dancing all before 10am. The afternoon was spent trying to find a pressie for a hens night I have to go to next Friday. You have to buy a naughty pressie up to $10. I could not find anything. In the end I bought a packet of fruit flavoured condoms, you even get to 2 extra Kiwi fruit ones! Who'd have thought?

Sunday was such a beautiful day, we drove down to Whiteman park and the kids rode their bikes and played for a couple of hours before heading home for lunch. It was quite busy. I think every man and his dog had the same idea.

Oh one more very embarrasing thing. I know you sat up straighter then didn't you? Everyone loves something embarrasing, WHEN ITS NOT HAPPENING TO THEM! On Tuesday I was about to put the fathers day donation ( a blue pottery coffee mug) in the box, when Mrs Nessa the teachers assistant said to me she would take it to the office with her as she was going there soon. So I explained to her that the mug was for the fathers day stall and the large enevelope was for Roger, the school principal. I am on the Safe School Committee and it was some info he needed. Anyway..... the next day I get an email from the school principal to thank me for the coffee mug and that it will get a lot of use!!!! What happened? OMG. OMG. OMG. How embarrasing! He probably thinks I have a crush on him or something. I have to sit in his office for a meeting next month. What if he is using the mug????? Steve said I should email him explaining the mistake, but I think that will make the situation more embarassing for both of us. So I will just suck it up and move on. It could only happen to me!


Jen said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha how funny (and YES I did sit up a bit straighter !!!)

I would tell him, but be a chicken and do it in an email LOL - Good LUck with that one